Downregulation is the process of reducing excitatory nervous system activity during times where a calm and collected mindset would be of greater use. This is especially useful when we feel scatterbrained or overwhelmed.
These exercises are particularly helpful for those of us that have issues with anxiety or emotional regulation. However, downregulating the nervous system can also be applicable during learning/discovery periods and whilst collaborating with others. This is because inducing a calm mind state allows for a greater field of view and also facilitates receptivity.
The exercises provided tend to make use of the full expanse of the lungs and recognize the calming physiological effects a deep exhalation can provide.
If you would like to learn more about altering your internal conditions via the breath, click on the Breathing Rabbit Hole link or head to the Breathing Cheat Sheet for an more exhaustive list.
As a final note before following the exercises below, always remember to breathe through your nose, unless otherwise stated, and to breathe deeply into the diaphragm.
Respiratory Sinus Arrythmia (Physiological Sigh)
When you inhale, the diaphragm moves down, the heart gets bigger within the expanded chest cavity space, blood then moves slower due to the larger volume, and the sinoatrial (SA) node pays attention to the rate of flow which tells the brain that the blood pressure is slower. The brain then responds by telling the heart rate to speed up. This means, if the inhales are longer than your exhales, you’re speeding up your overall heart rate.
When you exhale, the diaphragm moves up, heart volume gets smaller, blood flows more quickly, the SA node notices and tells brain, and the parasympathetic nervous system sends a signal to slow the heart down.
The physiological sigh is what people and animals tend to do before going to sleep. Humans do it while crying in order to calm down as well. It’s a powerful way of bringing physiological arousal and stress levels down. We do this about every 5 minutes, way more than previously expected. The alveoli’s fluid lining (surfactant) makes it easier to stretch the alveoli during a breath. This is because water has surface tension, making sides stick, meaning alveoli tend to collapse if not opened up fully, frequently. Taking a physiological sigh can pop them back open by creating greater pressure in the lungs.
The reason that stress triggers a physiological sigh is due to the hypothalamus, a hormone and peptide releasing area of the brain, which releases peptides during stress states (bombesin peptides), stimulating the Pre-Bötzinger complex, and triggering breathing skeletal muscles and also a modulatory effect on a number of different areas of the brain that lead to greater survival during stress induced states.
The Physiological Sigh:
These exercises help to develop the respiratory and circulatory systems, and strengthen the diaphragm. They also cleanse the nose and sinuses and are therefore useful for preventing colds and other illnesses. Pranayama also stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, so one must be careful if they have high blood pressure, weak heart, epilepsy, or reduced liver function.
Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Navy SEALs use box breathing to stay calm and focused in tense situations. Box breathing is useful when breathing needs to be regulated, rather than excessively calmed.
Longer exhalations elicit a stronger parasympathetic nervous system response. Good for sleep.
Similar to box breathing, Andrew Weil’s 4-7-8 breathing encourages deep relaxation:
Improves lung function and lowers heart rate, blood pressure, and sympathetic stress. Use before meetings, events, or sleep. Left nostril breathing for calming (parasympathetic nervous system) and right for excitement (sympathetic nervous system). Adjust the exercise to purely left nostril breathing if you would like to focus on creativity, by providing more blood flow to the right hemisphere of the brain.